Hitachi Gas Powered Handheld Leaf Blower

Hitachi Gas Powered Handheld Leaf Blower

Built to make quick work of big cleanup tasks, the Hitachi RB24EAP Handheld Blower uses a 23.9 cc commercial-grade engine. It features PureFire low-emission two-stroke engine technology, a large two-finger throttle lever, and an auto-return stop switch. It offers an air volume of 441 cubic feet per minute and delivers air speeds up to 170 miles per hour for effective debris removal. Covered by Hitachi’s industry leading 7-year Consumer warranty, the RB24EAP hand held blower is one of the lightest (8.6 lbs) and most powerful (at 441 CFM) blowers in its class. Available to both homeowners and professionals, the RB24EAP features a purge primer for quick and simple starts, a low emission PureFire engine and a large two finger throttle for easier operation. The exceptional balance and light weight make it ideal for small clean up, while it has the power to handle larger yard work.

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