The Ultimate Guide To Bad Parenting And General Stupidity


19. No matter your opinion on guns, can we all agree that a kid should be able to ‘spell’ gun before they should hold one?

Kids and GUns

20. Bad parenting or affectionate kid?

Kid Kissing Pig

21. You can’t do the time …

kid in cage

22. Bad parenting isn’t something new.

Kids and Knives

23. I dropped my keys, what did you want me to do?

Kid in manhole

24.  The kid needed a bath, the snake needed a bath.  Hey, there is a water shortage going on.


Snake in bathtub

25. Kids come into this world with so much promise, but lets set this ones course early with a tramp stamp.  Great idea!

Kid With Tramp Stamp


Next Post: 18 Hysterical Texts Between Slightly Confused Parents And Their Embarrassed Kids