FOREO LUNA Mini Silicone Face Brush

FOREO LUNA Mini Silicone Face Brush

[amazon_link asins=’B00CYHM3Y8′ template=’ProductAd’ store=’maxwells10-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’2c67bc10-0db8-11e9-8834-edeaf19d5030′]Enjoy beautiful skin that feels as soft and smooth as it looks, with a revolutionary new way to cleanse. The LUNA mini facial cleansing brush from Swedish beauty brand FOREO offers all the benefits of deep cleansing in one compact, palm-sized device. The T-Sonic pulsations deliver the unique ability to remove 99.5% of dirt and oil, as well as makeup residue and dead skin cells, and exfoliate without irritating the skin. Just 1 minute of use twice daily cleanses and transforms the skin by removing blemish-causing impurities.

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