Little Giant Ladder System Titan-X Ladder


The TitanX™ combines the strength, safety and versatility of the classic Little Giant Ladder with several new groundbreaking features, including accessory portals and the AirDeckTM tool tray and safety handrail. The safety handrail gives you an added sense of security on the ladder; it can even prevent that shaky, uncertain feeling of vertigo many feel when working at the top of a stepladder. Each side of the TitanX telescopes independently, giving you the option of several sizes of stepladders, from 4 to 7 feet. You can also adjust one side to work on staircases and uneven surfaces, or as a 90-degree stepladder. The Triple-LockTM hinge allows you to use the ladder as a stable, wide-based, multi-height extension ladder. Finally, the inner and outer ladder assemblies separate to form two trestles for a time-saving scaffolding system. The Little Giant TitanX is the next generation of multi-use ladder systems. Reburbished.

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