4-Piece Blemish Extractor Set


Stainless steel blemish-extractor wands help remove blackheads and whiteheads with minimal damage to surrounding skin

  • Blemish-extractor wands help to gently clear pores
  • Effective way to remove blackheads and whiteheads
  • Gentler and more sanitary than using fingers
  • Spots should not be picked or squeezed as this can bruise the skin and may cause scarring
  • To extract, place the loop end over the top of the blackhead and gently press
  • Loop tip is designed for pressing and extracting; sharp end is designed for piercing or poking
  • If required, use the needle to carefully pick the surface of your skin if your pores are not matured
  • Optimal time to extract blackheads is immediately after a shower or after placing a warm face towel over your face for about one minute