2 Pairs: Waterproof Winter Gloves

winter gloves

Winter is just around the corner, and it’s time to prepare for plummeting temperatures. These waterproof winter gloves are a one-way ticket to toastytown. The fleece lined interior helps keep your digits warm when you’re shoveling the walk. And the acrylic knit cuffs help trap warmth inside the gloves while keeping frigid chills out. So order these gloves and hi-five all your friends all winter long. You’ll feel just that good.

  • Includes 2 pairs of gloves
  • Made from 100% polyester
  • Fleece lined interior
  • Ideal for fall and winter
  • Acrylic knit cuff to keep warmth in and block cold out
  • Adjustable wrist strap allows you to tighten the fit
  • Rubber-tech palm patch to increase your grip