2 Pack JointFlex ICE Sport & Arthritis Muscle Pain Relieving Lotion


If you are tired of missing out on things you love to do because of arthritis or muscle pain try the cooling convenient relief of JointFlex Ice roll on. JointFlex ICE Pain Relieving Lotion Roll-On is a cooling pain relief formula in a soothing base of arnica, ILEX, MSM, and boswellia. JointFlex Ice is a pain relieving lotion that supports mobility by providing penetrating pain relief within minutes with a formula designed specifically to target pain relief for back, shoulders, neck, muscles, and arthritis and more! JointFlex Ice is designed in a convenient roll-on applicator, so there’s no need to get it on your hands. You can easily take it anywhere and apply it when needed, its greaseless, stainless, and fast acting. JointFlex Ice provides powerful, pain relief without a prescription.