Icelandic Glacial Natural Spring Water, 500 ml, 6 Count


[amazon_link asins=’B00EQV4Y9C’ template=’ProductAd’ store=’maxwells10-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’2080b5b9-0adb-4156-9dd0-eec6b3253b44′]Icelandic glacial natural spring water from Iceland. The source of an epic life. Naturally balanced, environmentally kind, exceptionally pure. Icelandic Glacial™ is the super-premium natural spring water from the Iceland. Home to glaciers, spouting geysers, volcanoes and raging rivers, Iceland is one of the world’s cleanest ecosystems. It’s also home to the legendary Olfus Spring, the source of Icelandic Glacial. Formed more than 5,000 years ago and shielded by an impenetrable barrier of lava rock, the Spring is constantly replenished by rain, snow and ice-melt from the nearby mountains. The water is slowly and naturally filtered through layers of volcanic rock, thereby producing a natural spring water so pure that nothing is added or taken away.

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