Viva Labs Organic Chia Seeds Bag, 2 Pound


The Mighty Chia SeedChia seeds were first harvested over 3,000 years ago by the ancient Mayan, Inca and Aztec empires. Warriors used this tiny superfood during times of conquest to improve stamina and endurance. Raw, gluten-free, organic, vegan, nut free and grain free, these seeds make the perfect addition to any modern-day diet. Key Highlights of Viva Labs Organic Chia Seeds Omega 3’s:Chia seeds contain one of the highest concentrations of ALA, preserved by naturally-present cinnamon acids, known to extend shelf life and delay the effects of oxidation. Studies indicate omega-3’s help to reduce inflammation and improve cardiovascular health. Viva Labs Organic Chia Seeds contain 2,440mg of omega-3’s per serving. Fiber: Fiber has been shown to promote regularity, maintain blood sugar and promote a satiety effect.

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