Teleflora Floral Delivery $40 Voucher


Purchase normally through Woot. You will receive a voucher code from Woot via email (allow 1-2 business days to receive your code). Use this voucher code to redeem your $40 credit online from Teleflora. After you receive your voucher code, go to and click on the the floral arrangement you would like to buy. You’ll be prompted to add the recipient’s zip code and delivery date; then click “Add to Cart”. Add your voucher code to the “ENTER PROMOTIONAL CODE HERE” box; then click “Continue to Checkout”. Add recipient’s address. Confirm delivery date/instructions (and add a note if you wanna) then click “Billing & Review”. Add payment method; then click “Place Order”. That’s it! You’ve done it! You’re the best! Sit back, relax and know that a Happy Valentine’s Day is secure.